artist - writer - jewelry maker
© 2024 Ginda Simpson ~ artist, writer, jewelry maker
Parkinson’s disease is one of the fastest growing neurological degenerative diseases in the world. PSP, or progressive supranuclear palsy, is a rare neurodegenerative disease that few have ever heard of or understand and is often initially misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s. With my husband’s PSP diagnosis and as his care partner, I chose poetry as a way to process how PSP and Parkinson’s impact lives. My informational prose and heartfelt poetry are meant to spread awareness of this little known disease, give voice to those who suffer the challenges and heartaches of PSP and Parkinson’s, and to offer comfort to their caregivers so they know they are not alone.
In this slim volume Ginda Simpson provides inspiration in the fight against chronic, disabling brain diseases not only for patients and their caregivers, but also for clinicians and researchers. The pairing of medically informative prose with emotionally nourishing poetry is just right for an age when science and logic, despite all their benefits, have not replaced art and hope.
-Lawrence Golbe, M.D., Neurologist, PSP specialist
I always say we all need someone to lean on. Her poetry is beautifully written and tells the story of a journey full of love. Anyone that knows someone living with PSP or PD or is a caregiver to that someone, knows that they have to be courageous, they have to feel loved and supported, we can't go it alone. We shouldn't go it alone, the journey should be shared. That is what Ginda does in her words in this book. Brings you along on the healing journey.
-Wendy Palmer, Director of YMCA, Easton
If you want to be brave and at the same time informed, read this book. If you want to cry and at the same time be consoled, read this book. The author of this book has done all that, and has shown her courage, reason, tears and consolation in a unique way. She is a caregiver, experiencing and describing the disease in her own way and expressing her feelings through poetry. In this unique way, the author spreads awareness about this serious and little-known disease.
- Dr. Branko Lugovic, PSP Patient and Author of Hard Day: PSP – My journey